God: O Ahmad, if you were not, I would not create a planet, and if Ali was not, I would not create you, and if Fatima was not, I would not create you two people.
Who is Fatima?
Fatima is the one who, when having daughter was a disgrace among the Arabs, his father Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took her hand and walked in the city with her. Fatima is one whom the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) repeatedly said about her: God has commanded me to love Fatima, I smell the Perfume of heaven from her. Fatima is the one who at the time of her marriage, God revealed to the Prophet: "O Muhammad, God salutes to you and says that chose ali to as Fatima's wife. May God love, Ali for Fatima and Fatima for Ali. and the Prophet repeatedly said: Fatima doesn’t have peer if was not Ali. Fatima is mother of Imam Husayn (AS) (martyr Karbala) who  the prophet repeatedly kiss his throat and said he is overlord of the youth of heaven. The generation of all Shi'a Imams that all of them were martyred or poisoned in the cause of God, are from Fatimah and Ali (as). From the perspective of the Qur'an, the whole world has been created for mankind. Man is also created for slavery God. Allah keeps the islam through Pontificate. Imams are the protectors of religion and if after the death of the Prophet (PBUH), there was no Pontificate, his religion would have been diverted. So it is correct to say: If Fatima was not, Pontificate would not continue and religion would not remain, and eventually the purpose of the creation of man (servitude) would not be realized either. But what did they do to this clean and upright lady ?!. He was killed in a young age with child in her womb, and her wife and children were forced to burry her at night to keep her grave forever in the form of a secret. and disgrace those who were pretend with the help of the Prophet and consider themselves Muslim, but their hands are polluted by the blood of the beloved daughter of the Prophet.



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Sherry نکات لازم برای دوران بارداری پیچک نمایه مقایسه گوشی های اندروید پرسش مهر ریاست جمهوری 1398 آترین راهنمایی و مشاوره تشریفات مجلل ارجمند خاطرات دو نفره سعید و سمانه